Sunday, November 16, 2014

Air pollution is a horrible thing because people are polluting the environment, we can stop this by shutting down most of the coal fired power plants and lowering how much gases and other harmful things we put into the environment. Polluting the environment is hurting not only us but also the plants and animals. The reason why polluting the environment is bad is because it is putting holes in the ozone layer and is causes people to have major health problems like with their breathing. There are many different ways people can pollute the air. Smog is one of them also, greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide are all causes of air pollution.
        Smog is a major cause of air pollution. Smog is a mixture of fog and smoke or other airborne pollutants such as exhaust fumes. Smog comes from vehicles, machinery, factories, and paints. There are also many ways that we can prevent sit.We can cut back on how often we drive our cars or we can use alternative fuels. We can also stop using fossil fuels as much as we do and that will help out a lot .
        Greenhouse gases are warming up our environment which could lead to global warming. Greenhouse gas is gas that gets trapped. When it lets off heat into the environment that is what leads to the warming of the earth or what we call global warming. Global warming is when earth’s temperatures rise above average.This happens when the greenhouse gases trap heat and light from the sun in the earth’s atmosphere, which increases the temperature.We can stop this by reducing the energy we use at home by turning off lights when you are not in the room.

        Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless and is not bad for the environment but too much is. It plays many important roles in the environment. Without it there would be no photosynthesis and without photosynthesis there would be no plants therefore no oxygen for us. Many people think that it is bad for the environment because it is a greenhouse gas required by the earth to maintain normal temperatures and sustain life. Carbon dioxide is not bad but too much of it can cause radiation from the sun to get stuck between the atmosphere causing global warming.
         In short, There are many things that people do to cause air pollution but there is also many ways that you can prevent it. Also, air pollution has negative effects on the environment.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Most people usually enjoy being social, and they always try to find ways to talk to others so that they can stay connected. There has been many kinds of technology in the past to help people with this like the telephone, then the cell phone, and now social media sites on the internet. These sites have shown that they can have both positive and negative effects on everyone that uses them.

                One of the best effects that social media sites can have on its users is actually provide what people want to use it for, which is to communicate with friends and family. Social media sites allow for this because everyone can join for free and almost anyone can learn to use them. When people use these sites, communication becomes much easier. Not only can people have private conversations between each other, but they can also have public communication to all of their contacts for giving news of important information and events in short period of time.

                On the other hand, people can also sometimes get bad effects from social media sites. The most common negative effects is wasting too much time on social media sites. It is not bad to use media sites if there is nothing else to do, however, some people can be addicted to it and spend too much time on the sites even if they actually have work to do. Social media sites can be a source of bad language or information that is not good for children or teenagers who try to use media sites. Older users can put bad language or other bad things that the kids should not see.

                Aside from the effects that are clearly positive or negative, there some effects that are undecided if they are good or bad. Some people will put information about politics on those sites, and this can be useful if it is updates about changes in the government, but politicians can be hurt from other politicians’ criticizing.

                In short, social media sites can be a negative or positive experience for the people that use it. As long as people are still benefiting from the site, then we should not change that part of it. However, it should be a priority to fix the parts of social sites that can be harmful or can have negative effects. That way, as many users as possible will enjoy using social media sites.
Over the years, leisure time activities have really changed. People used to do very simple things like play outside, play cards or board games, and play sports. Nowadays, most of the leisure activities that people are interested in are involved with a TV or a computer. Videogame are now very popular for several reasons including the types of games, the ways to play with friends, and time and place that they can play.

There were many different kinds of card games and board games in the past, and people still use them today, but most children and teenagers are more interested in videogames because of how the games are related to movies that they see, like Batman or Ironman. Some of the other games can have different stories that no one has heard before. In a way, video games can be used like kids used story books in the past.

Another main reason to why videogames have become so popular is that it is the new way of playing with friends. Many kids that play videogames have access to the Internet on their videogame machine, and they want to use that to connect with other people that are playing the same game. With that access to Internet, they can basically send invitations and other messages to tell others to join with their game or even just to talk on the microphone.

Finally, people want videogames to change the normal times and places that people can play games. Videogames can be used anywhere if they are the portable type, so people can play one them if they are bored and have nothing else to do. This way people can have fun with their games that they play at home in other places, too.

In short, there are many reasons to play videogames, including the types of games that are available, how people can play with their friends, and also to change the playing environment. Videogames make leisure time a very fun time if someone is alone or with friends.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

       There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the greatest humankind's inventions of the last century. It is fast and easy way to get a lot of valuable information. However, some people believe that the Internet creates many problems. From my point of view I think that the Internet brings us advantages as well as disadvantages.

First of all, I think that the Internet brings us many benefits. People can have access to the latest news, weather, traffic, bid-and-asked quotations, etc. Another important benefit is that the Internet is a great means of communication. A few years ago it was rather difficult to imagine that it would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world. Students have the opportunity to speak to the professors from prestigious universities, ask their opinions and extend their range of interests. People have the opportunity to communicate with the people from other countries, find out their customs, traditions and even visit each other. I think that the Internet makes our world smaller and friendlier. We' ve got the chance to learn more about the world's history, our forefathers and gain more knowledge.

From the other hand, many questions and difficulties arose with the appearance of the Internet. For example, children got the easy access to the information they are not supposed to read. Also, people's security and privacy are often violated through steeling and gathering information about people and then selling it. Many banks had to increase their Internet security because of hacking.

However, I believe that Internet gave us more advantages and opportunities than disadvantages and problems.

Monday, October 20, 2014

       smoking is harmful for your health. Many smokers die because of cigarettes. Tobacco is a drug for many people, they can't stop it. Smoking must be forbidden in public places. Smoking is not pleasant for nonsmokers.I don't smoke (of course). And my family doesn't have smokers. So I hate smoking. Smoking is not good for our bodies' health. So I won't smoke in my life.Actually the tobaco smoke contain three principal dangerous chemicals; i.e. tar,nicotine & CO. Tar badly affects our lungs, nicotine affects our lungs, nerves & cardiovascular system. All these problems may lead to cancer. Smokers by kissing cigarettes may get mental satisfaction, they may get mental pleasure, but they simply burn their life span.
In my opinion, the smoking ban in public places is a very good idea. Why? when I go to restaurants, my clothes smell of cigarettes and it is very unpleasant. Secondly, smoking is dangerous for smokers' health and non-smokers' health. Thirdly, the smoking ban is excellent because a lot of people die of lung cancer. In conclusion, I say the smoking ben will not be for pubs' landlords because customers will always go to pubs to have fun.

Although smoking in public places is very common there are some people who think that public smoking in certain places should be banned by law and I support this idea. In my opinion it should be banned particularly in places where people eat.

Friday, October 17, 2014

10-year-old kills 90-year-old

In the article “Cops: Boy, 10, kills woman, 90, for yelling at him” by Ray Sanchez from CNN, the case of a young boy that killed a woman that was probably babysitting for him. The story was that she yelled at him for coming into the room that she was sitting in. He got mad at her and he choked her with a wooden stick while also punching her in the throat. He did not keep hurting her until she died because he only meant to hurt her. It sounds like he hurt her and asked if she was ok and if she wanted to go to the hospital, but she said no. So, Anthony left the room and came back later to find that Novak was dead.

This is a very sad story, and I think it is related to the common youth violence that happens in our society. Kids nowadays have too much experience with really bad violence like killing, guns, hurting others, and bad language from sources like television, video games, and family violence. Parents should try hard to keep their children away from this kind of violence. It is obvious that there is a relationship between the violence that kids watch and the violence they are involved in, and that there is much more of that relationship now than there was in the past. For example, no one would ever expect these kinds of problems to happen back in the 1950’s, because there was not as much violence as there is now.

10 year old kills 90 year old

Ebola Disease

Recently, the Ebola disease was found in the U.S. down in Texas. A man from Liberia came to the U.S. after going to Liberia was screened but did not show symptoms of the virus. After he realized that he had the disease, he went to the hospital, and was treated for being sick, but he did live through it. Investigators have said that they tested everyone that he could have interacted with, and did not find anyone with the disease. However, two nurses that were treating him in the hospital did get the sick. So, now there are two people sick with the Ebola virus. One of the nurses, Nina Pham, was treated in the Texas hospital for some time, and then they decided to move her to the National Institute of Health so that they can try to save her. The other nurse, Amber Vinson is now being questioned because they think that she could have been sick earlier than before.

I think that in a situation like Ebola, the solution is very clear. Everyone who has had contact with the Ebola virus should not move one step out of their houses or the hospital. This is a very serious situation, and people are dealing with the disease, and then going on vacation. I cannot believe how dumb these people are. If I was in charge, I basically take away the freedom of the people who are sick, and put them in hospital “jail”, for a WHOLE MONTH. There is no need to worry about exactly when the patient maybe was in contact. Just stop the problem by any possible.

Ebola Article Link

Sunday, September 21, 2014

      Volcano is very dangerous to people's and earth. there are many countries have volcanoes like Philippines. In the article Thousands flee Philippine volcano in Aljazeera said that should be government the evacuation of thousands of residents of the village. Also they says increased restiveness was recorded overnight. then all people who live in this village are afraid from this volcano and lava.
Volcanoes affect people in many ways, some are good, some are not. Some of the bad ways are that houses, buildings, roads, and fields can get covered with ash. As long as you can get the ash off (especially if it is wet), your house may not collapse, but often the people leave because of the ash and are not around to continually clean off their roofs. If the ashfall is really heavy it can make it impossible to breathe.
       In my opinion, a volcanic eruption occurs when hot rocks and lava burst from a volcano; and geysers and springs are actually just volcanoes that throw boiling water high in the air. They are caused by volcanic heat warming trapped ground water. should be any government in the world find a good please and a safe please when any village where there is a volcano. Also, should be government provide a hospital to the affected cities. So, I say do note be close to the construction of these volcanoes. Finally, volcanoes of the most dangerous things on humans.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

          Ebola disease is very dangerous to people's live. There are many cases of this disease infected. Also, there are no place in hospitals for those affected due to the increasing cases especially in the affected countries like Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. In the article Window to Stop Ebola Outbreak Is ‘Closing Quickly,’ Official Warns Frieden said there are a difficulty to convert extensions to these countries affected.

I thik should be on developed nations to help people around the flag, especially countries affected by this disease and poor nations. The government should provide medications for this disease.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My name is Ahmed Alshammari. I’m from Saudi Arabia. I’m 27 years old. I’m married. I live in Macomb with my wife. My major is computer science. My favorite team is Al Hilal. When I have free time I like play soccer with my friends. I like Macomb because it is small city same my city in my country. I feel calm when I stay in U.S. Sometimes I like watch TV when my wife very busy in my home. When I finish WESL I will go to university and I will start my major. I hope I learn more about my major. I chose Western Illinois University for complete master degree because it has good professor. I am my goal in life to make my parents happy. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

In this article” Beyond Global Warming: Ecology and Global Change” Peter (1994) explained that This is issue that affect us all in one way or another because we all live on same planet.  We need to be aware of how our environment is being hurt and damaged due manmade causes.  Unfortunately this problem can be addressed in much more effective way and a lot more can do done  fix this problem, however what prevent it is financial interest.  What many people do not know is “The fossil fuel industry has deep wells of it-no business in history has been as profitable as finding, refining, and combusting coal, oil and gas.  Six of the ten largest companies on earth are in the fossil fuel business.  Those companies have spent some small part of their wealth in recent years to underwrite climate change denialism” .  This information right here is vital because it explain the reasoning’s of why  affect of global warming are not addressed.  Money is a huge factor in this world, and whoever has the most of it will determine how  world function.  This is  sad fact of life, however that does not mean that we cannot change that.  It will take a lot of work to challenge those who are only concerned about their own personal wealth over  well being of the planet.  Besides the financially empowered people we have politicians that also have  important job of helping improve our environment.  Of course the unfortunate part is that the politicians are influenced and fund by those who are rich of companies that produce fossil fuels.   

My opinion, the author do not biased because his article based on fact information. Also, he explained h information. Also, he explained his ideas clearly so for. In addition, he has a good experience in this area is ideas clearly so for. In addition, he has a good experience in this area   

A Summary of “The Math Gender Gap: Nurture Trumps Nature”

            In the article “The Math Gender Gap: Nurture Trumps Nature,” Szalavitz (2011) discusses a study that has shown that culture can be responsible for differences in gender performance. Research was done that showed that there are not enough women professors in big universities, and we need to know why. A new researcher Moshe Hoffman researched about two tribes in India to prove if culture controls different gender performances in math. The tribes are same in almost everything but have different cultures. The Karbi has a culture where men control everything, but the Khasi is different because there is equality between men and women for education and jobs. It is difficult for women to have a good future in the Karbi because men always say that they are not smart enough, and the women do not try to change their positions in the tribe. On the other hand, women are very important in the Khasi because they control the house bills and money issues. When Hoffman tested the tribes with a math test that tested for spatial ability, which shows how smart the person is in math and science, Karbi men were better than women because they had more education, but the scores were the same for men and women in the Khasi tribe because they had equal education. Overall, the study showed that culture does affect math performance between men and women. Rebecca Goldin says that the test is good and it proves that, but the test can be improved by adding testing spatial rotation, too. She also said that we don’t know if biology makes a difference, and we learned from this study that we cannot say that culture is not important


            In general, Maia Szalavitz, convinced me that culture differences can affect performance in math and science. She has published a lot of articles in TIME Magazine that all usually are about neuroscience and what can affect it. She has also written books like Born for Love: Why Empathy is Essential — and Endangered, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog, and Help at Any Cost: How the Troubled-Teen Industry Cons Parents and Hurts Kids, which are all related to her skills in neuroscience, so she is definitely experienced in this field of study. In my opinion, the article was very well organized because all of the important information that was needed for us to understand what is going on was included before she discussed the results. Throughout the article the information about the tribes was given for both tribes in the same paragraph. Most of the language that Szalavitz used was formal enough for this kind of article. Everything was clear and described enough to be understood, and it was very smart to have the opinion of another person that also knows about neuroscience to discuss the results that Hoffman got. With all of this good qualities that were in this article, I believe that this was presented so that it can convince the reader.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

In class we watched a speech given by Michael Pollan that was posted to Collective Evolution's website. This speech uses the example of McDonald's fries to make a case against corporate food. I agree with him that the coofing and eating at home is better than fast food , and that it is healthier than fast food. In my country, always cook and eat at the home because some of the ersturant are not clean. In my country, supervisory board closed some restaurants becouse of poor hygiene.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

A Summary of “Man-Made Climate Change Was Factor in 2012 Extreme Weather”

In the article, 2012extremeweathertomanmadeclimatechange.html “Man-Made Climatic Change Was Factor In 2012 Extreme Weather,” Lewis (2013) explained that extreme weather is mostly as a result of man-made climatic change, this was observed from various extreme weather studies around the world. . According to a report in 2012, the United States experienced some of the most severe weather conditions that it hasn’t experienced since the Dust Bowl years of 1934 and 1936,” where the condition resulted in low or even zero crop yields, reduced livestock inventory, increased food prices and direct human death which were all attributed to factors such as increased surface heating due to human pollution and more specifically, greenhouse-gas emissions . The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently forecasted worse weather conditions to come in the future which will be as a result of global warming. Scientists say the will provide information to help government and individuals manage future weather risks such as average temperatures which increased more than 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 100 years. According to Environmental Protection Agency this increasing temperature could lead to reduction in crop yields, increase rainfall that will cause flooding and an increase in area burned by wildfire. The level and recurrence of future climate change depends on how frequent the greenhouse gas emissions increases in the atmosphere, and how strong the temperature, and rise in sea levels respond to expected increases in emissions as inferred by the report . 

 In my opinion, extreme weather causes by natural more than  human activity, but the human activity make to the extreme weather powerful. The article is not talk about specific the main reasons. Also, the writer must write a lot of information about the topic.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

 A Summary of In the article “The Math Gender Gap: Nurture Trumps Nature,” Szalavitz (2011) discusses a study that has shown that culture can be responsible for differences in gender performance. Research was done that showed that there are not enough women professors in big universities, and we need to know why. A new researcher Moshe Hoffman researched about two tribes in India to prove if culture controls different gender performances in math. The tribes are same in almost everything but have different cultures. The Karbi has a culture where men control everything, but the Khasi is different because there is equal between men and women for education and jobs. It is difficult for women to have a good future in the Karbi because men always say that they are not smart enough, and the women can only listen to what the men tell them. On the other hand, women are very important in the Khasi because they control the house bills and money issues. When Hoffman tested the tribes, Karbi men were better than women because they had more education, but the scores were the same for men and women in the Khasi tribe because they had equal education. Overall, the study showed that culture does affect math performance between men and women. Rebecca Goldin says that the test is good and it proves that. She also said that we don’t know if biology makes a difference, and we learned from this study that we cannot say that culture is not important (Szalavitz, 2011).

Thursday, May 29, 2014

My name is Ahmed Alshammari. I am from Saudi Arabia. I was born on Saudi Arabia, Arar city. I am 27 years old. I am married. I have five brothers and five sisters. My major is computer science. I live with my wife in Macomb. I have been here for one year. In my free time I do alot of things like play soccer with my friends, read some books in my home, play games, and call my family in my country. I feel happy when I study in Western Illinois University.